Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Our Virtues Assembly

Last Friday we had a Virtues assembly. It was Room 4's Virtues Assembly. It was Sia's birthday that day. We started with a prayer first. Then we sang 'Just a Single Candle.' Fiapo and Sia were the announcers. I was nervous when I was reading the prayer. But when I was reading the prayer with my brother, Falakiko, I wasn't nervous anymore. Sia said in a play "one day when Jesus and his friends were leaving Jericho.' Malakai was Jesus and Alan was the Blind Man. The helper who took Alan to Malakai was Sia. The next play was the Honest Disciple. It was funny because the Rabbi said, "He has a frank tongue but a wicked heart." There was another funny part and the Rabbi said, "Aha this is the man I will trust." The last play was the Paralised Man. Everybody laughed when the four helpers lifted the paralysed man. I laughed too. My favourite part was when the Rabbi said he had a frank tongue but a wicked heart.

By Maris-Stella

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