Monday, April 7, 2014

Rosie Eating Grass

I have tried to show texture by painting because it is smooth and thick. 
What I liked best was dabbing. 
The most interesting part of my painting is the dabbing. 
What I found tricky was painting the cow. 
Next time I paint I would like to paint a pig.

By Sefopalu


  1. I like the way you painted the spots on the cow. Why would you paint a pig next time? Good job painting your cow Sefopalu. By Laki

  2. Palu this is your S.F. I had never new you were a nice painter I love the tail it looks cool.

    By Fanoalii.

  3. Wow! I like the way you use interesting words for your writing. How long did it take you to paint your cow?
    I like painting too.

    From Motu
